Speaker Township


Contact Information

Rochelle Stevens

Hayley Kavanagh

810-387-3356 ext. 102 (810) 387-3356 ext. 102

Hours:  Thursday 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 

If you require tax information, please contact the office by either phone or email. Provide the property number and the information you are requesting along with your email or phone number.


Other Info

Summer Bills are mailed early July.
Winter Bills are mailed early December.
Please contact us if you do not receive your tax bill.

Please notify us of an address change or correction as soon as possible. Contact us by phone, email, or send it with your tax payment.

Paying Your Property Taxes

For current year taxes only (Please include the bottom portion of the bill when paying, and bring the top portion if paying in person at hall or bank)

  • Pay in person during office hours or with an appointment. The office is also open from 9 to 5 on the last day of February(or 1st Monday in March if the last day of February is on a weekend or holiday)
  • Pay at Choice one bank (Yale branch only) Summer July 1st  to September 14 or Winter (only) December 1st to February 14.
  • Drop in the drop box located under the south end of the awning at the township hall. The drop box is checked at least 2 times per week.
  • Pay online at https://www.govpaynow.com/gps/user/cyg/plc/a004om
  • Mail your payment to (must be postmarked by February 28th):

Speaker Township, Treasurer
PO Box 177
7630 N. Brockway Road
Melvin, MI  48454

To pay delinquent taxes (after February 28th) there is a link to the county treasurer information under Community > Governmen