FIRE CHIEF Donald L. Priess III 7630 Brockway Rd. Melvin, MI 48454 (810) 650-7871
ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF Tom Murray 7630 Brockway Rd. Melvin, MI 48454 (810) 404-5867
Fees: Fire Run Resident: $1,000.00 ($100.00/hr after first 2 hours) Fire Run Non-Resident: $1,100.00 ($100.00/hr after first 2 hours) False Fire Run: $ 600.00 Property Protection: $ 600.00 Carbon Monoxide Run: $ 600.00 Medical Assist: $ 100.00 Accident Assist: $1,000.00 Building/Grass Fire: $1,000.00 Assist Other Department: No Charge Mutual Aid
Contact Assistant Fire Chief Tom Murray @ (810) 404-5867 to obtain the permit to burn.
Contact Sanilac County Central Dispatch @ (810) 648-2024, ext. 2, to advise a burn permit was authorized and give the appropriate information ( i.e. name, address, and phone number).